The Oklahoma Department of Agriculture regulates the poultry farms of Oklahoma through The Oklahoma Registered Poultry Feeding Operations Act and The Rules for Registered Poultry Feeding Operations.

Not only did the OK Registered Poultry Feeding Operations Act (OK PFO Act) require certain things of poutlry farm operators, Oklahoma Statute Section 10-9.22 of Title required integrators doing business in the state to contract with Oklahoma State University (OSU) through the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service to provide the poultry educational training courses. The contract required that integrators provide One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00) during fiscal year ending June 30, 1999 and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) for each year for three years after that.

OSU is also required by the PFO Act to report on the education classes to Oklahma's Office of the Secretary of the Environment. The report of for the first year is here.